When life gets tough, giving up seems to be the easiest option. But it's not. Whenever life hits us, that's the starting point to fight and persevere so we can achieve all the dreams we planted and all the goals we planned.
One of the reasons why people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up without trying. Your goals and dreams may seem tough or almost impossible to reach, but giving them a try will give you an idea if it's achievable or not. Because if you give up without trying at all, you will always have that regret at the back of your mind.
Learn to rest. When you feel tired, exhausted and frustrated, it's time to take a break. Giving yourself the time to rest can give your soul a new and fresh idea as to how to begin again. Sometimes, resting for a while can motivate you to continue what you have started. Don't focus on what you have already accomplished, instead focus on the possibilities on how you can reach your dream.
Rejection is a redirection. Life sometimes is not fair. We all know that. When you feel like you already put and dedicated everything just to get a good spot and still you didn't make it, that is okay. You still did a great job. All those rejections either by your dream company or by the person you love is a redirection. You're being directed to something better that you deserve. Sometimes, it may take time, but believe me, it's worth it.
Finish the race. Giving up before the start of the race can make you a loser. Dreaming without doing anything to achieve it is only a waste of time. How will you know what is it at the end of the line if you will just keep on looking from the starting line. Yes, you have a goal in mind, but do you know what it feels like to be finally there? Keep your eyes straight and persevere. Obstacles will always come to your way. Focus on your goal, finish the race with all your might. Whatever it is at the finish line, be it a breathtaking view or a heartbreaking one, at least you tried and did your best. Don't ever quit or give up. Life offers many chances and choices for you to dream and try again. Learn from all your mistakes so you will never get lost the next time you do it again.
